Monday, September 16, 2013

Loving Jesus, the Only One Who Truly Understands

Our enemies in the spiritual realm want us to believe that we human beings are on our own with our problems; that God is indifferent to such purely human issues as a heartache or a paper cut, that the monologue of thoughts we call silly and sinful and stupid and strange are better off remaining a monologue, that if we bothered to attempt a two-way conversation God would turn away in embarrassment at our shallowness.

The secret of life is that our Maker understands us more deeply than anyone else ever could, including ourselves.When you think about it, it actually makes sense. Of course we should let God in on our inner world. He's already there anyway. Of course God wants us to talk to him about our troubles. He has to listen to our mumblings minds whether or not we mumble in his direction.

Lately I have been recycling the same set of random sorrows and joys almost compulsively. At prayer time they come swimming into my head in hoardes, and I get so lost in the mess that I end up telling God, "I'll be back once I get this sorted out." The problem is, I can't get it sorted out on my own, so if I intend to avoid God until it's all solved, I'll be avoiding him forever. And that's exactly the point.

Avoiding Jesus, I have to say, is the craziest piece of work you'll ever do. I mean, he's always just around the corner of your soul, so in the end the only way to shake him off is to lose your soul, which is a feasible thing, in fact I do it almost every other day. Now I'm telling myself - no, I'm telling him... I've been talking to myself long enough.

Now I'm telling you, Jesus, that you understand me. Of course you understand me. Of course you want to hear about what's on my mind. It's better than simply overhearing it. Of course you care about my stupid problems. Of course ultimately it's me that thinks they're stupid, not you. You see the whole picture from God's perspective, and you know the old saying: Nothing is stupid with God.

All of that to say this: I love you, Jesus... the only one who truly understands.

1 comment:

  1. So good, dear friend -- can't wait to sort things out with Him really together!
